Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Type "Amen" if You Like Exploiting A Sick Person

Facebook. My friend for the last...13 years? It has become more of a content feed than anything else. I like to check out what people post- funny videos, cat pics, a meme or two. It can also be infuriating. "What did this jerk say about gun control / abortion / transsexuals in toilets?! Ohh he's gonna get it!"

But the thing that is bugging me to no end are these "Type Amen" posts. They post pics of extremely sick adults and children and read "Type Amen" or "1 like = 1 Amen" and idiots comply. Don't get me wrong, this isn't a rant against prayer in any way. Even as an agnostic, I see prayer as a sweet and caring gesture on behalf of the believer. But, typing 4 letters out is NOT a genuine prayer. It serves in no way but to make the typer feel warm and fuzzy for doing absolutely NOTHING. But, that's just the tip of this iceberg...

 It feels exploitative. The text never tells you who the person is, what they are suffering from, no context to the struggle they are experiencing. No true awareness. Just a startling photo of a person at their most vulnerable. If I ever got to such a state, I would be furious to know a photo of me was being circulated blindly. And circulate blindly it will.

But it's cute and sweet you say. Ohhh, no its not. Check out this article on CNN that discuses not only how one family has to deal with the constant circulation of their daughters pic without their consent (which is old btw, and the girl is now cancer-free) but also from the fact that these posts are SCAMS that can make scammers money. That's right, all your stupid likes are exploiting a poor person and making some asshole somewhere rich.

In researching this I am finding tons of stories of families devastated at having their loved ones photos stolen to create these meme's. Is that really what you want to contribute to?

At first I thought, these photos don't help the person. I'd say "Post a GoFundMe for them, spread information about the condition, etc." but now I see this is much worst than just that. These photos are being stolen and used by unscrupulous people. Manipulating the sick for their own gain- it is disgusting and I for one, want to see this stop.

Next time you see one of these things - hit report. And if you want to pray, do it for real.

1 comment:

  1. يمكنكم التواصل مع شركة مكافحة حشرات بالاحساء في اي وقت لتستمتعوا بافضل العروض و اقل التكاليف و الخبرة في التخلص من اي حشرة خطيرة في اقل وقت وو باتباع اكثر السبل امانا و من خلال امهر المهندسين الزراعيين
